If you read Part 1 of this (I’m hoping you have) you know that I researched a TON before diving into going no poo. If you HAVEN’T read it yet, here’s the link: http://herbivorehomemaker.com/my-no-poo-experience-shampoo-free-part-1/ Anyways, despite all the research, I failed (but, you already know that). Since that moment of defeat (a very greasy haired moment of defeat), I have tried to figure out what went wrong. Call me an optimist, but I’d like to try to go no poo again. So, I have researched EVEN MORE since ending the no poo experience. If you are wanting to go no poo or if you’re simply curious as to why I failed (which is an interesting enough reason on its own I think) keep reading! Hopefully these tips and suggestions come in handy. Failure has its perks.